5 Time-varying population growth rates: univariate

In this case study, we will use MARSS to fit a time-varying MAR model, that is a MAR model in which the parameters are time-varying. In the economics literature, such models are known as time-varying VAR models (TVAR). In this example, we use a time-varying MAR to model a stage-structured population with stage-specific survivals and fecundity that vary with time according to an auto-regressive process. We assume for this case study that the data do not have observation error; that is, that the observations are the true population size. The models in this chapter are a form of dynamic linear model (DLM), and the reader may want to review the chapter on DLMs in the User Guide.

5.1 Univariate model

Before doing the multivariate case (time-varying MAR), we show a univariate case or the time-varying AR model using a simple population model with exponential growth. This model is typically written as follows: \[\begin{equation} n_t = n_{t-1}(\lambda \times exp(w_t)) \label{tmar:se}\end{equation}\]

where \(w_t\) are normal errors and \(\lambda\) is the population growth rate. This is the vanilla stochastic exponential growth model and the lognormal errors (\(exp(w_t)\)) mean that \(\lambda\) make proportional changes (e.g. +/- 10% rather than +/- 0.1) and stays positive. Written in log-space, this is \(\log(n_t) = \log(n_{t-1}) + \log(\lambda) + w_t\) where \(w_t \sim \N(0, \sigma^2)\).

When we work with this model in log-space, we have a linear model with Gaussian errors. This is one reason we would normally log transform the data. However, we are working up to a multivariate version of this model, where we cannot convert to a linear model by a log transformation. Thus, we are not going to log-transform the data here. If we do not log transform our data (the \(n\)), we could approximate Equation \ref{tmar:se} with the following model: \[\begin{equation} \begin{gathered} n_t = n_{t-1} \lambda_t \\ \lambda_t = \bar{\lambda} + w_t \end{gathered} \label{tmar:se2} \end{equation}\]

where \(w_t\) is \(\N(0, \approx \sigma^2)\) if \(\sigma\) is small. This is a terrible approximation if \(\sigma\) is big but for many population models, survival and fecundity are varying no more than +/- 50% per year (or other relevant time step). In this case, approximating \(\bar{\lambda} \times exp(w_t))\) with a normal distribution is not too terrible.

The point of rewriting the stochastic exponential in this way is that we now can model \(\lambda_t\) in other ways. \(\lambda_t=\bar{\lambda} + w_t\) means that the mean population growth rate in year \(t\) (\(\lambda_t\)) just fluctuates around \(\bar{\lambda}\) with no temporal correlation or trend up or down. We could model long-term (and potentially large) changes in the population growth rate by modeling \(\lambda_t\) as a random walk, similar to the approach taken in dynamic linear modeling. \[\begin{equation} \begin{gathered} \lambda_t = \lambda_{t-1} + w_t, w_t \sim \N(0,q) \end{gathered} \label{tmar:unirw1} \end{equation}\] Or we might model the \(\bar{\lambda}\) as a random walk and allow the \(\lambda_t\) to be a function of that. This is white noise with a random walk mean: \[\begin{equation} \begin{gathered} \bar{\lambda}_t = \bar{\lambda}_{t-1} + w_{1,t}, w_{1,t} \sim \N(0,q_1)\\ \lambda_t = \bar{\lambda}_t + w_{2,t}, w_{2,t} \sim \N(0,q_2) \end{gathered} \label{tmar:unirw2} \end{equation}\] We could also model \(\lambda_t\) as having a long-term trend (drift) upward or downward but allow it to wander at the same time. We can do this by adding a drift term \(u\) to the \(\lambda_t\) random walk model. \[\begin{equation} \begin{gathered} \lambda_t = \lambda_{t-1} + u + w_t, w_t \sim \N(0,q)\\ \lambda_0 = \bar{\lambda} \end{gathered} \label{tmar:unirwwd}\end{equation}\] We could model \(\lambda_t\) as having a mean value but allow it to drift around that with correlation. We can do this using a mean-reverting random walk model: \[\begin{equation} \begin{gathered} \lambda_t = b \lambda_{t-1} + u + w_t, w_t \sim \N(0,q)\\ \bar{\lambda} = u/(1-b) \end{gathered} \label{tmar:unimrw}\end{equation}\] We could model \(\lambda_t\) as having a mean value but year-to-year correlation by using a moving average of idependent errors. This is a common approach for introducing correlation into the errors in a time-series model. \[\begin{equation} \begin{gathered} \lambda_t = \bar{\lambda}+\begin{bmatrix}1&\theta\end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix}w_t&w_{t-1}\end{bmatrix}\\ w_t \sim N(0,q) \end{gathered} \label{tmar:sema}\end{equation}\]

#white noise around a mean lambda
title("White Noise")

#random walk
title("Random Walk")

#white noise around a random walk mean lambda
#title("Random Walking Mean")

#random walk with drift
title("Random Walk with Drift")

#mean reverting random walk
for(i in 2:TT) n[i]=a+b*n[i-1]+err[i]
title("Mean-Reverting Random Walk")
for(i in 2:TT) n[i]=a+b*n[i-1]+err2[i]
for(i in 2:TT) n[i]=a+b*n[i-1]+err3[i]
Examples of $\lambda_t$ trajectories for the four different $\lambda_t$ models.  Each color of line uses the same input errors: randomly drawn from a Normal distribution with mean of 0 and standard deviation of 0.1. The drift term is 0.01.  Mean-reversion ($b$) is 0.9. $ar(\lambda)$ is 1.1.

(#fig:Cs01-tmar.rt)Examples of \(\lambda_t\) trajectories for the four different \(\lambda_t\) models. Each color of line uses the same input errors: randomly drawn from a Normal distribution with mean of 0 and standard deviation of 0.1. The drift term is 0.01. Mean-reversion (\(b\)) is 0.9. \(ar(\lambda)\) is 1.1.

Let’s create some simulated data with mean population growth rate set at 1.01 (so an increasing population).

set.seed(13) #and interesting case
drift=.001 #drift
n0 = 100
err=c(0,rnorm(TT,0,s)) #process errors

#white noise
n.wn = n0
for(i in 2:TT) n.wn[i] = n.wn[i-1]*lambdat[i]

#random walk
n.rw = n0
for(i in 2:TT) n.rw[i] = n.rw[i-1]*lambdat[i]

#random walk with drift
n.rwd = n0
for(i in 2:TT) n.rwd[i] = n.rwd[i-1]*lambdat[i]

#mean-reverting random walk
n.mrw = n0
for(i in 2:TT){
n.mrw[i] = n.mrw[i-1]*lambdat[i]
legend("topright", c("white noise", "random walk", "rw with drift","mean-reverting rw"), col=c("black","red","blue","green"), bty="l", lty=1)
Simulated population counts with different $\lambda_t$ models.

Figure 5.1: Simulated population counts with different \(\lambda_t\) models.

Let’s fit these data using statistical model written in MARSS form. To do this, we need to write our model in matrix form: \[\begin{equation} \begin{gathered} \yy_t = \ZZ_t \xx_t + \aa_t + \vv_t, \vv_t \sim \MVN(0,\RR)\\ \xx_t = \BB_t \xx_{t-1} + \uu_t + \ww_t, \ww_t \sim \MVN(0,\QQ) \end{gathered}\label{eqn:tmarss.uni} \end{equation}\]

Before we do this translation, let’s think about what the \(n_t\) are relative to our data which are observations not actually the true population size. We can treat our observations as error-free observations of \(n_t\), so \(o_t=n_t\), or we might think there is some error in our observations, so \(o_t=n_t+e_t\).

Let’s start with treating our observations as perfect so \(o_t=n_t\). Our model takes the form \[\begin{equation} \begin{gathered} o_t = o_{t-1} s_t\\ \lambda_t = b \lambda_{t-1} + u + w_t, w_t \sim \N(0, q) \end{gathered}\label{eqn:rw.no.err} \end{equation}\]

Notice that all the process error is coming from \(\lambda_t\), which is fluctuating year to year. Comparing Equation \ref{eqn:rw.no.err} to \ref{eqn:tmarss.uni}, we see that \(\ZZ_t \equiv o_{t-1}\), \(\xx_t \equiv s_t\), \(\BB \equiv b\), and the other parameters, \(u\), \(c\) and \(q\), have the same names. Remember that even though we are starting with a univariate case, the MARSS() function needs all parameters specified as matrices. Even scalars need to be specified as \(1 \times 1\) matrices.

Now we can set this up in R. Let’s start with the model where \(\lambda_t\) is white noise, so simply fluctuating randomly about some mean temporally-constant population growth rate. Our \(\lambda_t\) model reduces to \[\begin{equation} \begin{gathered} o_t = o_{t-1} \lambda_t\\ \lambda_t = \bar{\lambda} + w_t, w_t \sim \N(0, q) \end{gathered}\label{eqn:rw.no.err} \end{equation}\]

Notice that \(\lambda_0\) does not appear in this model because \(t\) starts at 1 (because the data start at \(t=1\)). In R, this model is

#lambda_t is wn
dat = n.wn
#Z is n at t-1 starting at t=1 up to t=TT-1
#no observation error and no a in the y equation
R = "zero"; A="zero"

#state eqn. Specify B, W, and U
#white noise
#x_t = U + w_t
#Q is univariate so diagonal and equal or unequal would be the same
B="zero"; Q="unconstrained"

#specify the initial states
#because x0 does not appear in the model we can fix it at 0

Now we can fit the model. Notice that the first time-step of the data was used in \(\ZZ\), therefore we need to strip that first time step off the data we pass to the MARSS() function.

#univariate white noise model for lambda_t
model.uwn=list(Z=Z, R=R, A=A, B=B, Q=Q, U=U, x0=x0, V0=V0)
tmp=MARSS(dat[2:TT], model=model.uwn)
## Success! abstol and log-log tests passed at 16 iterations.
## Alert: conv.test.slope.tol is 0.5.
## Test with smaller values (<0.1) to ensure convergence.
## MARSS fit is
## Estimation method: kem 
## Convergence test: conv.test.slope.tol = 0.5, abstol = 0.001
## Estimation converged in 16 iterations. 
## Log-likelihood: -294.8938 
## AIC: 593.7875   AICc: 593.9125   
##               Estimate
## U.mean.lambda 1.007752
## Q.Q           0.000895
## Initial states (x0) defined at t=0
## Standard errors have not been calculated. 
## Use MARSSparamCIs to compute CIs and bias estimates.