L4 plankton abundance time-series prepared for MAR modeling
Plankton abundance data collected at the Western Channel Observatory L4 station, formatted for use in run.mar
. The dataset was prepared for MAR analysis with a call to prepare.data(data=L4.AllDates, increment="month", fill.gap=0, replace.0s="rand.half",
log=T, z.method="deseason")
A data frame with 179 observations on the following 21 variables.
contin | a numeric vector where matching values indicate blocks of continuous sampling dates | |
date | dates | |
cnidarian | e.g., hydromedusae and siphonophores | |
amphipod | e.g., gammarids | |
chaetognath | Sagitta spp. | |
krill | Euphausiids (all stages) | |
pteropod | Clione and Limacina | |
tunicate | larvaceans | |
cladoceran | Evadne spp. and Podon spp. | |
calanoid.lg | large calanoid copepods (>2 mm) | |
calanoid.sm | small calanoid copepods (<2 mm) | |
cyclopoid | cyclopoid copepods | |
poecilostom | poecilostomatoid copepods | |
harpact | harpacticoid copepods | |
diatom | phytoplankton: diatoms | |
dino | phytoplankton: dinoflagellates | |
other.algae | phytoplankton: e.g., coccolithophores, green | |
cirripedia | meroplankton: barnacle nauplii and cyprids | |
mero.grazers | meroplankton: other grazers, e.g., gastropod and bivalve larvae | |
decapod | meroplankton: e.g., crab and shrimp larvae | |
surface.temp | sea surface temperature |
#> contin date cnidarian amphipod
#> Min. :56.00 Min. :1992-10-16 Min. :-3.2865 Min. :-2.4689
#> 1st Qu.:64.00 1st Qu.:1997-03-01 1st Qu.:-0.5210 1st Qu.:-0.7326
#> Median :65.00 Median :2000-12-16 Median : 0.1697 Median : 0.2740
#> Mean :63.47 Mean :2000-10-29 Mean : 0.0000 Mean : 0.0000
#> 3rd Qu.:65.00 3rd Qu.:2004-08-31 3rd Qu.: 0.7000 3rd Qu.: 0.6708
#> Max. :66.00 Max. :2008-06-15 Max. : 2.4775 Max. : 2.1308
#> chaetognath krill pteropod tunicate
#> Min. :-3.1162 Min. :-2.6978 Min. :-2.8906 Min. :-2.9482
#> 1st Qu.:-0.5270 1st Qu.:-0.8982 1st Qu.:-0.4429 1st Qu.:-0.6504
#> Median : 0.1316 Median : 0.1566 Median : 0.2653 Median : 0.1040
#> Mean : 0.0000 Mean : 0.0000 Mean : 0.0000 Mean : 0.0000
#> 3rd Qu.: 0.7415 3rd Qu.: 0.8896 3rd Qu.: 0.7080 3rd Qu.: 0.6717
#> Max. : 1.7663 Max. : 1.7534 Max. : 1.6129 Max. : 2.1902
#> cladoceran calanoid.lg calanoid.sm cyclopoid
#> Min. :-3.1569 Min. :-3.02708 Min. :-3.1560 Min. :-3.28323
#> 1st Qu.:-0.5652 1st Qu.:-0.49160 1st Qu.:-0.6142 1st Qu.:-0.51031
#> Median : 0.1191 Median : 0.07195 Median : 0.0849 Median :-0.06296
#> Mean : 0.0000 Mean : 0.00000 Mean : 0.0000 Mean : 0.00000
#> 3rd Qu.: 0.6927 3rd Qu.: 0.65477 3rd Qu.: 0.6177 3rd Qu.: 0.60486
#> Max. : 2.1568 Max. : 2.24018 Max. : 2.3226 Max. : 2.16504
#> poecilostom harpact diatom dino
#> Min. :-2.4402 Min. :-3.1163 Min. :-2.46989 Min. :-1.96857
#> 1st Qu.:-0.6176 1st Qu.:-0.4528 1st Qu.:-0.65844 1st Qu.:-0.64685
#> Median : 0.0183 Median : 0.2257 Median :-0.09897 Median :-0.09827
#> Mean : 0.0000 Mean : 0.0000 Mean : 0.00000 Mean : 0.00000
#> 3rd Qu.: 0.6257 3rd Qu.: 0.6748 3rd Qu.: 0.69180 3rd Qu.: 0.59230
#> Max. : 2.9271 Max. : 1.8738 Max. : 2.98016 Max. : 2.73673
#> other.algae cirripedia mero.grazers decapod
#> Min. :-2.6888 Min. :-3.1870 Min. :-2.97017 Min. :-3.3886
#> 1st Qu.:-0.6996 1st Qu.:-0.5470 1st Qu.:-0.56894 1st Qu.:-0.4662
#> Median :-0.0427 Median : 0.1377 Median : 0.03999 Median : 0.2038
#> Mean : 0.0000 Mean : 0.0000 Mean : 0.00000 Mean : 0.0000
#> 3rd Qu.: 0.7258 3rd Qu.: 0.6730 3rd Qu.: 0.58079 3rd Qu.: 0.5349
#> Max. : 2.1293 Max. : 2.7458 Max. : 2.25556 Max. : 2.5506
#> surface.temp
#> Min. :-1.9121
#> 1st Qu.:-0.7550
#> Median :-0.0584
#> Mean : 0.0000
#> 3rd Qu.: 0.6639
#> Max. : 2.4538