Characteristics of time series (ts)
- What is a ts?
- Classifying ts
- Trends
- Seasonality (periodicity)
Mark Scheuerell
8 Jan 2019
Interval across real time; x(t)
Discrete time; xt
Discrete (eg, total # of fish caught per trawl)
Continuous (eg, salinity, temperature)
Univariate/scalar (eg, total # of fish caught)
Multivariate/vector (eg, # of each spp of fish caught)
Integer (eg, # of fish in 5 min trawl = 2413)
Rational (eg, fraction of unclipped fish = 47/951)
Real (eg, fish mass = 10.2 g)
Complex (eg, cos(2π2.43) + i sin(2π2.43))
Most statistical analyses are concerned with estimating properties of a population from a sample
For example, we use fish caught in a seine to infer the mean size of fish in a lake
Time series analysis, however, presents a different situation:
Time series analysis, however, presents a different situation:
For example, one can’t observe today’s closing price of Microsoft stock more than once
Thus, conventional statistical procedures, based on large sample estimates, are inappropriate
Number of users connected to the internet
Number of lynx trapped in Canada from 1821-1934
A time series model for {xt} is a specification of the joint distributions of a sequence of random variables {Xt}, of which {xt} is thought to be a realization
White noise: xt∼N(0,1)
Random walk: xt=xt−1+wt, with wt∼N(0,1)
We need a way to extract the so-called signal
One common method is via "linear filters"
For example, a moving average
If a=1, then
Monthly airline passengers from 1949-1960
Monthly airline passengers from 1949-1960
Monthly airline passengers from 1949-1960
Monthly airline passengers from 1949-1960
Once we have an estimate of the trend mt, we can estimate st simply by subtraction:
Seasonal effect (st), assuming λ=1/9
But, st includes the remainder et as well
Now we can estimate et via subtraction:
Log-transform data
Linear trend
Monthly airline passengers from 1949-1960