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tidy.marssMLE is the method for the tidy generic. It returns the parameter estimates and their confidence intervals.


# S3 method for marssMLE
tidy(x, = TRUE, conf.level = 0.95, ...)



a marssMLE object

Whether to compute confidence and prediction intervals on the estimates.


Confidence level. alpha=1-conf.level


Optional arguments. If, then arguments to specify how CIs are computed can be passed in. See details and MARSSparamCIs.


A data frame with estimates, sample standard errors, and confidence intervals.


tidy.marssMLE() assembles information available via the print() and coef() functions into a data frame that summarizes the estimates. If, MARSSparamCIs() will be run to add confidence intervals to the model object if these are not already added. The default CIs are calculated using a analytically computed Hessian matrix. This can be changed by passing in optional arguments for MARSSparamCIs().


dat <- t(harborSeal)
dat <- dat[c(2, 11, 12), ]
fit <- MARSS(dat)
#> Success! abstol and log-log tests passed at 55 iterations.
#> Alert: conv.test.slope.tol is 0.5.
#> Test with smaller values (<0.1) to ensure convergence.
#> MARSS fit is
#> Estimation method: kem 
#> Convergence test: conv.test.slope.tol = 0.5, abstol = 0.001
#> Estimation converged in 55 iterations. 
#> Log-likelihood: 30.86888 
#> AIC: -41.73776   AICc: -37.73776   
#>                                           Estimate
#> R.diag                                     0.00450
#> U.X.CoastalEstuaries                       0.06050
#> U.X.OR.NorthCoast                          0.05227
#> U.X.OR.SouthCoast                          0.02148
#> Q.(X.CoastalEstuaries,X.CoastalEstuaries)  0.02499
#> Q.(X.OR.NorthCoast,X.OR.NorthCoast)        0.01994
#> Q.(X.OR.SouthCoast,X.OR.SouthCoast)        0.00297
#> x0.X.CoastalEstuaries                      7.37247
#> x0.X.OR.NorthCoast                         6.26598
#> x0.X.OR.SouthCoast                         7.40658
#> Initial states (x0) defined at t=0
#> Standard errors have not been calculated. 
#> Use MARSSparamCIs to compute CIs and bias estimates.

# A data frame of the estimated parameters
#>                                         term    estimate   std.error
#> 1                                     R.diag 0.004495377 0.002085693
#> 2                       U.X.CoastalEstuaries 0.060504720 0.032491337
#> 3                          U.X.OR.NorthCoast 0.052266571 0.027915656
#> 4                          U.X.OR.SouthCoast 0.021484041 0.011366026
#> 5  Q.(X.CoastalEstuaries,X.CoastalEstuaries) 0.024993374 0.009890095
#> 6        Q.(X.OR.NorthCoast,X.OR.NorthCoast) 0.019941851 0.008221337
#> 7        Q.(X.OR.SouthCoast,X.OR.SouthCoast) 0.002965429 0.001994353
#> 8                      x0.X.CoastalEstuaries 7.372465940 0.174049400
#> 9                         x0.X.OR.NorthCoast 6.265982529 0.268689177
#> 10                        x0.X.OR.SouthCoast 7.406580785 0.136833655
#>         conf.low     conf.up
#> 1   0.0004074930 0.008583260
#> 2  -0.0031771304 0.124186570
#> 3  -0.0024471090 0.106980250
#> 4  -0.0007929603 0.043761042
#> 5   0.0056091450 0.044377603
#> 6   0.0038283270 0.036055374
#> 7  -0.0009434297 0.006874289
#> 8   7.0313353843 7.713596496
#> 9   5.7393614197 6.792603639
#> 10  7.1383917498 7.674769821