Check model List Passed into MARSS Call
This is a helper function to check the model list passed in to a MARSS()
call for any errors. Not exported.
- model
A list from which a marssMODEL model will be constructed.
- defaults
A list with the defaults for the elements in the model list in case the user leaves out any.
- this.form.allows
A list of what inputs are allowed for each element in the model list.
This is a helper function to check that all the model list that will be passed to a MARSS.form
function to make the marssMODEL
object. If elements in the list are left off, they will be filled in by defaults.
If the function does not stop due to errors, it returns an updated model list with missing elements filled in by the defaults.
See also
, marssMODEL
, checkModelList