MARSS Error Messages and Warnings
Prints out more information for MARSS error messages and warnings.
# Show all the info options
#> Pass in a single label (in quotes) to get info on a MARSS error or warning message.
#> AZR0: MARSS complains that Z or A and D must be fixed for R rows with 0s on diagonal.
#> convergence: Non-convergence warnings
#> denominv: An error related to denom not invertible
#> degenvarcov: Warnings about degenerate variance-covariance matrices or variance going to 0
#> diag0blocked: Warning: setting diagonal to 0 blocked at iter=X. logLik was lower in attempt to set 0 diagonals on X. See also R0blocked.
#> HessianNA: Warning: There are NAs in the Hessian matrix.
#> is.marssMLE: Error from is.marssMLE
#> kferrors: Stopped at iter=xx in MARSSkem() because numerical errors were generated in MARSSkf
#> LLdropped: MARSS warns that log-likelihood dropped.
#> LLunstable: iter=xx MARSSkf: logLik computation is becoming unstable. Condition num. of Sigma[t=1] = Inf and of R = Inf.
#> modelclass: Your model object is not the right class.
#> negVt: Negative values reported on states variance-covariance function.
#> optimerror54: MARSS() with method='BFGS' reports error 54.
#> residvarinv: Warning: the variance of the residuals at t = x is not invertible.
#> R0blocked: Setting of 0s on the diagonal of R blocked; corresponding x0 should not be estimated. See also x0R0 error and diag0blocked.
#> slowconvergence: MARSS seems to take a long, long, long time to converge.
#> ts: MARSS complains that you passed in a ts object as data.
#> varcovstruc: Error: MARSS says the variance-covariance matrix is illegal.
#> x0R0: Error concerning setting of x0 in model with R with 0s on diagonal
#> V0init: MARSS complains about init values for V0.